Monday, September 22, 2008

Home Cleaning Tips

Was happily blogging away when I suddenly remember I was cooking Baby FAN's porridge. Sigh...smell the "Chao Ta" smell, Baby FAN's porridge is burnt and the pot is now covered with soot. So, use my secret trick of salt and vinegar again to get rid of the burnt rice, without having to scrub. This is how it's done, pour water, vinegar and salt into the burnt pot and just boil the water. The burnt rice will just come off automatically. See pic below on before and after without scrubbing. I didn't boil it for too long, need to boil longer so some stain still there. The magic of chemical reaction when vinegar & salt is boiled, cool... (see pic of before & after)

By the way, here's more household tips that I gathered along the way:
  • To get rid of vomit or urine smell: spray baking soda water (i.e. baking soda + water) into the spot and let it dry, then just dust off the powder.
  • To get rid of blood stain: Quickly rinse with cold water and wash with shampoo. Never water it with hot water as it will fixed the stain. For old stain, I think hydrogen peroxide seems to work or rather the normal NTUC Bleach seems to work for me.
  • To get rid of Super Glue from your skin, use Nail Polish Remover
  • To get rid of Pen ink on Microfibre Furniture, just rub alcohol (or anything with alcohol in it like hand sanitizer, nail polish remover etc.) on the ink stain and then blow dry it to hair dryer on cool air.
  • To get rid of yellowish stain on your airport or water boiler, pour some lemon juice or throw a few pieces of lemon into the airport and let it boil. Then let it stand for a while and pour away the water. Walla, the pot is now good as new.
  • To get rid of grease and stain in your microwave, put a cup of lemon juice and heat it up for 1 min. Then let the oven cool then and wipe the stain off with a cloth. The lemon juice help to loosen the grease.
  • more to come..he he... will add on this list when I experiment with more.

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